a tech bläg!

It's been a few years now since I switched to Wayland. I use Sway, a compositor based on wlroots, and apart from the sporadic broken Wayland application (easy fix: force XWayland) and Java application (easy fix: set _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1), it's mostly been great times.

I have also be...

Docker is a container engine for the Linux operating system. It leverages two Linux kernel functionalities, chroot jails (or, nowadays, the pivot_root system call, but the details don't really matter here) and namespaces, to create containers, or isolated environments where you can run pr...

ZigBee is a stack of protocols intended to enable IoT devices to efforlessly form mesh networks and communicate with one another wirelessly. I've been fascinated with the ZigBee platform for a long time now, but I had always been put off by how corporate-y the technology looked like (and boy, I was...