a tech bläg!

As part of the datacenter-wide visibility upgrade I'm working on for a customer, I'm setting up monitoring one of their legacy network applications. This application has no logging support whatsoever, and upgrade path available: the original developers have published a new version 10+ years ago, a...

I'm doing a project, a very simple one: it's a sous vide cooker. The details don't matter, as in this article we are going to focus on a single component: the KY-040 rotary encoder.

If you are here, you have most likely just bought a KY-040 clone from China, and are looking into how to hook it u...

A few months ago, my father bought himself a water purifier. It's a quite convenient and eco-friendly device which filters tap water, and optionally cools it and carbonates it, eliminating the need of buying bottled water entirely.

The company that sold it to him also sold him a stand-alone fau...